Protocol as a public relations and communication tool
Image guides our lives, and we often make decisions based on the perception and sensation that image creates. It is so powerful that it makes us feel attraction or rejection and act accordingly.
A well cared for and studied image will open more doors because it will enhance the qualities that are sought to be projected and will transmit values in an authentic way.
We live in society, and we are made to socialize, but we all know that human relationships are not easy. Creating a first impression on people is simple and quick, but changing it takes time and effort.
How can we create a good first impression?
Taking care of the external image (clothing, hairstyle, make-up…) is essential, but our behavior will determine the evolution of the relationship.
There is a language that differs between cultures that allow us to understand each other without the need for words. Nonverbal communication conveys many messages.
Education and respect, good manners, the rules of etiquette, the rules of etiquette, the rules of civility and protocol are the basis of an impeccable personal image.
If you dress appropriately for the occasion, you are punctual, you smile, you look in the eyes while you shake hands and present yourself in the right way, you have gained a lot to make a good first impression.
However, you need to know that there are different types of greetings, different ways of introducing yourself, and it all depends on each situation. It is necessary to learn these unwritten rules that will allow you to feel more confident and secure.
Once the link with the interlocutor or interlocutors is created, etiquette also helps you to build loyalty in that relationship. Protocol harmonizes and offers respect to the interlocutor, who at the same time feels well treated, and this facilitates the relationship and communication.
Do you have a job interview?
Do you need to improve your non-verbal communication?
Do you want to learn some notions of etiquette? Social? Business? Official? Religious?
Can I help you make a good first impression?
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