Specialized in Institutional Relations and Protocol

Specialized in Institutional Relations and Protocol

Laura Llorens especialitzada en Relacions Institucionals i en l'Organització estratègica d'esdeveniments

A little more about me...

I welcome you to my website, to my project, and to my vocation. A project that was born thanks to the fusion of some aligned experiences that began when I was very young and that made my passion for fashion, etiquette and protocol.

My mother focused her professional life on fashion after graduating from Felicidad Duce School of Fashion, pioneer and precursor of the international campus LCI Barcelona. Under the guidance of the fashion designer and one of the masters of Spanish haute couture as was Pedro Rodriguez, she learned the basics of what is now known as Image Consulting.

Observing my mother with her customers, I learned about body typologies, enhancing the beauty of each person and above all listening to the needs of each one of them.

My three years in the United Kingdom, first with designer Ronit Zilkha and then at the forefront of Harvey Nichols women’s fashion department with brands such as Versace, DKNY, Stella McCartney, Armani, Chloé… increased my passion for fashion and made me grow professionally.

With a very open mind and respecting the personality of each individual, I optimize the qualities of each person to make them unique and project a positive image that is totally aligned with their goals.

There is never too much and we always have room for improvement to get the best out of each of us. From the good we keep the best.

My services



Master in Professional Image Consulting

Ártidi College

Master's Degree in Personal and Corporate Image Consulting

Quémepongo Barcelona

Master in Protocol, Institutional Relations and Strategic Event Organization

Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Llull

Master in International Relations

IBEI (Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals)

Postgraduate in Business Administration and Management

University of Vic

Erasmus Program (Degree in English Philology)

The Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)

Degree in English Philology


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Laura Llorens logo blanc

Laura Llorens logo blanc

I welcome you to my website, to my project, and to my vocation.

I am here to accompany you in your path of improvement to achieve your image objective.

The packs are designed to work on different needs of your image and can be contracted separately or in combination. All of them are focused on achieving excellence in your external projection and in your interpersonal relationships.